My primary research interests lie in Experimental and Behavioral Economics. At present, my works concentrate on three main research areas. To learn more about each area, click on the bullet items below.

  • Experimental Asset Market and Finance
  • Within this research thrust, I examine subjects such as insider trading regulations, the interaction between social networks and trader behavior, consumption smoothing's impact on asset prices, dark pools, and social trading and information sharing.

  • Experimental Market Design for Altruistic Supply
  • In this research area, I investigate methods to encourage organ donation enrollment, considering factors such as blood compatibility, transplant priority for donors, incentive schemes like transferable vouchers, family consent, and the relationship between deceased and living kin organ donation.

  • Cooperation, Coordination, and Dynamic Social Network Experiments
  • In this research focus, I explore mechanisms to promote cooperation and coordination in social dilemmas, social network formation for prisoner's dilemma and coordination games, the evolution of cooperation in dynamic networks, and the impact of social identity on group interactions.

In addition to the above, I explore various topics using experimental methodologies, such as contest experiments, organizational performance reporting, social identity and incentives, charitable giving, and behavioral nudges.

I have published my works in journals such as the Journal of Finance, Management Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economics and Statistics, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.


Yohanes E. Riyanto
Version June 2024


My Favorite Quote

"Discover your best distance". Some people are good sprinters in research. They can very quickly spot and make a neat point; they do this frequently, and in many different areas and issues. Hal Varian and Barry Nalebuff are two of the best sprinters I know. In the same methapor, others are middle distance runners. In fact most economists are at some point in this broad category. A few, for example Robert Lucas and James Mirlees, are marathoners; they run only a small number of races, but those are epics, and they get the most (and fully deserved) awe and respect. In contrast, the profession seems to undervalue sprinters. But each kind of work has its own value, and the different types are complements in the overall scheme of things. Progress of the subject as a whole is a relay race, where different stretches are of different lenghts and are optimally run by different people. Find out where your comparative advantage lies (My System of Work (Not!), Avinash Dixit, 1998, pp.1-12)"