Current Course (at NTU)

I usually teach Microeconomics 1 (HE1001) in Semester 1, and Behavioral Economics (HE4004) in semester II.

HE-101 (Undergraduate - Microeconomics I)

HE-404 (Undergraduate - Behavioral Economics)


Prior to joining NTU, I have taught several courses like Industrial Organization, Corporate Finance and Governance and Organization, Market and Governance at the Department of Economics of National University of Singapore. On this page, you can download some of those past lecture materials.

Past Courses (at NUS)

In Semester II 2006-2007 and Semester I 2007-2008 I taught EC4321 (Organizations, Market and Governance), EC 3322 (Industrial Organization I) and ECA 5334 (Corporate Finance). Lecture materials for these two modules can be downloaded below:

EC 3322 (Undergraduate - Industrial Organization I)

ECA 5334 (Graduate - Corporate Finance & Corporate Governance)

EC 4321 (Honors - Organizations, Market and Governance)


Yohanes E. Riyanto.
Version August 2013




"Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find the other three. (Confucius)"


"Memorization is what we resort to when what we are learning makes no sense. (Anonymous)"